BDSL 2020 Football Manager League
For any team willing to fill out some information on your team for this summer
![BDSL 2020 Football Manager League](/_uploads/589e2c28bc575e560b46d059/Football_Manager_logo.png)
While the BDSL summer 2020 season is on hold we thought we'd try to have some fun with our teams.
We've seen many teams playing in video game leagues online to get their soccer fix, so while that was an option our crazy President always wants to take things 1 step further.
So while we're unsure if 2020 will be played we're all left wondering what coulda been. We'll try to answer those questions as best we can with the BDSL 2020 Football Manager league. Football Manager is a PC game that is the top sports simulation game available. It allows players to take control of clubs as a manager only and play their way to a championship without controling play on the field. So what better way to play out the 2020 BDSL season.
For any team that wants to particpate all team mangers have been emailed a spreadsheet to fill out the player rankings for their teams (these may/may not be adjusted by the prez based on accuracy). Any team that is filled out will be built into the system and then we'll play out the season in the game via the information provided. If you want to help but arent a team manager we can provide a link for you via email or on Twitter (just email the prez or DM the league account).
We'll build out the league based on the reponse we get. If there is enough feedback we'll potentially stream games live on YouTube/Twitch for interaction as well. It could be the best way for some BDSL action and interaction this summer. we could also share the save to any other FM players so you can have your own BDSL seasons if you wanted to play as your team.
This is all for fun and purely optional. If it doesn't work out thats fine. We're all just trying to thing of ways to do something league related this year and have some fun.
If you interested in participating please email for the sheet or dm the league account on twitter.
Thanks all and be safe.